Editorial policy and standards

At GadgetMouse, we take immense pride in serving our readers with thoroughly researched, easy-to-understand advice on using VPN software. On this page, we explain how we craft our content.

If you discover an article that you believe could be built upon by our team of writers, get in touch using our Contact us page. We’re always open to ideas and aim to correct factual errors in a transparent manner.

Updating and curating our content

We appreciate that the world of online security is ever-changing, which is why we regularly curate pages to ensure content is kept up-to-date. After all, an aging VPN guide that references dated software is no use to anyone.

Once we’ve published an article, it gets added to our curation diary right away. We don’t just hit ‘Publish’ and then forget an advice article on our website exists – all of them are monitored and tweaked over time if needed.

If an error is identified in a story, we aim to correct the issue as fast as we can. Corrections will be clearly labelled.

Fact checking

We strive to produce accurate, high-quality content that’s written for humans and by humans. VPN software can be rather technical and confusing at times, so we like to present instructions in very simple terms.

At GadgetMouse, we have a system in place that means at least two sets of eyes edit content before it’s published. Once the original author has completed their first draft, the copy is presented to a separate fact checker on the editorial team. Only when the fact checker is happy can the article be published to our website.

The date at the top of each article indicates when the piece was last updated.

AI content (and why we’re skeptical)

While some other websites appear to be publishing articles generated entirely by AI without edits, we absolutely refuse to do the same. All of our articles are written by a human on our editorial team and we perform our own desk research.

There are plenty of reasons why we choose not to generate entire articles using AI. For one, information provided by AI is painfully generic and therefore might not be useful for our readers. The information can also be factually incorrect.

For more on how we operate at GadgetMouse, see our About us page and have a read of our guide on how we test VPNs.